reTREAT yourself – Somatic Yin Special
Sunday 1x a month, 3:30-5:30pm with Gloria & Sarah
Just let yourself fall. Drift. Float. Turn your gaze inward. In this Somatic Yin Special with Gloria and Sarah you can simply take care of yourself for two hours. Both yoga teachers combine classic restorative yin poses with somatic movement to create a new, completely individual yin experience in this intensive session. Perfect to give yourself a little time out with yourself and shift your focus from outside to inside.
Costs: 30€ (USC/ Wellpass +20€)

Gloria Gaertig
Gloria was born in Paraguay, where she grew up until the age of 11 before moving to Germany with her family. Her multicultural background led her to travel early on to explore foreign countries and cultures. This passion also led her several times to Bali, where she finally lived for several years in 2013. There she intensified her yoga practice and in 2015 completed her 200h basic training at Santosha Yoga Institute. This was followed by a 300h advanced training in Embodied Flow™, as well as further advanced Trainings in Embodied Yin™, Somatic Stress Release, traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga and Yoga Nidra.
Her classes are holistic in nature and combine traditional elements with somatic movement and embodiment techniques.
Sarah von Derschatta
At the beginning of her yoga practice, Sarah thought for a long time that she might “not be flexible enough for yoga” – as a teacher, she wants to pass on to others her experience that this is not the point at all. Her classes are therefore not about getting your hands down to your feet or into acrobatic asanas, but about realizing that yoga can give you an incredible amount and also bring you a lot of joy. Yoga helps Sarah personally to calm and focus her “monkey mind”. She did her yoga training with Dr. Patrick Broome & his team and is currently part of the PBY mentor program with Verena Simmann. She is also doing an Embodied Yin advanced training with Satu Tuomela.